Monday, July 12, 2010

Spain Won World Cup 2010

Spain won its last four games by a score of 1-0 - a tight margin that characterized the month-long tournament. This final was a physical test of attrition that sometimes turned dirty - a finals-record 14 yellow cards were handed out and the Dutch finished with 10 men. In the end, it was Iniesta breaking free in the penalty area, taking a pass from Cesc Fabregas and putting a right-footed shot from 8 yards just past the outstretched arms of goalkeeper Maarten Stekelenburg with about seven minutes left to play, including injury time. Spain had pockets of supporters, too, with fans dressed in red and scattered throughout the stadium. Among those cheering were Queen Sofia, Rafael Nadal and Pau Gasol. Spain's fans might have been in the minority, but when the final whistle blew, they were tooting their vuvuzelas with a vengeance in tribute to their champions. Several Dutch players wiped away tears as they received their runners-up medals - yet again. They had won every qualifying match and all six previous games in South Africa before the bitter ending. The winners struggled but managed to lift their coach, Vicente del Bosque, in the air in celebration.Before the game, former South African president Nelson Mandela received a huge ovation when he was driven onto the field on a golf cart. A smiling Mandela waved to the fans as the vuvuzelas buzzed throughout Soccer City. And after the game, Iniesta took time to salute Paul the Octopus, who correctly picked the winner of eight matches.

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