A talented Gainesville artist found an original way of paying homage to Gators quarterback, Tim Tebow. He created a mosaic using thousands of plastic balls. John O’Hearn claims he can recreate any image or photo, using just 5 color plastic balls (red, blue, green, black and white). He is a big Gators fan and thought this would be a great way to honor what Tebow has done for the team. O’Hearn started out as a sculptor, but began experimenting with BB gun balls, in recent years. The Tebow mosaic measures 4 feet by 6 feet, and contains 207 tubes, each with 204 plastic balls. The grand total adds up to 46,308 small BB balls. Such an impressive work of art couldn’t go unnoticed by Ripley’s Believe It Or Not, who bought it for the Orlando Odditorium. Plastic ball Tim Tebow was purchased, by Ripley’s, in December of 2009, but since the Odditorium is getting a little crowded, O’Hearn is put on the trading block.

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