Daniel Angerer, a young chef from New York, gave in to his curiosity and made some Mommy’s Milk Cheese, out of his wife’s milk. Angerer says that, as a chef, he’s always curious about what different things taste like. The idea of making cheese out of human breast milk came to him while his wife was feeding their 4-weeks-old daughter. They pondered a while on whether it was ethical to use breast milk as the main ingredient, but since their daughter has more than enough frozen mommy’s milk, they decided it was ok. It was reported that Daniel Angerer even treated customers of New York’s Klee Brasserie to his exotic cheese, and the New York Post quoted him as saying ” it tastes like cow’s-milk cheese, kind of sweet”. After the Health Department warned him about offering mother’s milk dairy in the restaurant, Angerer denied even considering offering his wife’s breast milk to anyone else.
Whether he commercialized it or not, I think making cheese out of human breast milk is strange enough. If you’d like to try out check out Daniel’s Angerer’s blog, for the full recipe.

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